First Vue pregnancy test stick is an easy to use home pregnancy test kit. After conception occurs, hCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) levels rise significantly and the test monitors these levels. If this rise in hCG levels is present, the test will be positive. This kit contains one test.
This test is easy to use, just follow the simple steps below:
You do not need to take a urine sample because you can test directly in your urine stream, but if you wish to do so, ensure it is collected in a clean and dry container. Avoid too much fluid intake before testing.
Open the sealed pouch and remove the stick. Take off the cap to expose the tip. If using as a midstream test hold the stick so that it is pointing downwards in your urine stream for 10 seconds. If using as a dip test ensure it is dipped in the urine to the depth shown on the diagram for 20 seconds.
Replace the cap, lay it flat and read the result within 5 minutes. As the test progresses you should see the liquid moving up the test area causing it to go light purple. As the purple fades the control line will appear as a strong line and the result line if present will appear below this.
Postive Result
If two coloured lines appear in the result window you are pregnant. One line may appear lighter than the other, but they will both be the same thickness. A faint line is more likely to occur when you are testing early and your hCG levels are low. See Questions 5 and 7 in the frequently asked questions.
Negative Result
If only one coloured line appears in the result window this is a negative result and you are either not pregnant or you may have tested too early. If you are unsure repeat the test in 48 hours with a new test stick. See Questions 6 and 7 in the frequently asked questions.
Invalid Result
If no lines appear anywhere in the result window or if only the test line appears, the test has not worked properly and is invalid. This is usually due to the stick being under or over wetted. Repeat the test with a new test stick ensuring that the How to Test instructions have been followed carefully. See Question 4 in the frequently asked questions.
In a woman who is not pregnant the hormone hCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) is normally present in urine at very low levels (typically 5mIU/ml). When you are pregnant the body produces much more of this hormone. At the time of the first missed period the level of hormone is detectable by this test. Our test detects hCG in urine at a level of 20mIU/ml.
You can test as early as 4 days before the expected date of your period. If you are testing early we recommend that you use the first urine of the day as it contains the highest level of hormone in a day. If you are testing from the day of your missed period you can use urine from any time of the day.
In laboratory tests, First Vue pregnancy test sticks have been shown to be over 99% accurate when used on the day of your missed period.
If no lines appear anywhere in the result window or if only the test line appears the test has not worked properly and is invalid. This is usually due to the stick being under wetted or over wetted. Repeat the test with a new test stick ensuring that the How to Test instructions have been followed carefully.
A positive test result shows that hCG has been detected in your urine at a level above 20mIU/ml. You should talk to your Doctor who can tell you what steps you should take next.
You may not be pregnant or the level of hCG may not yet be high enough to be detected or you may have miscalculated the day your period was due. If you tested early, test again in 48 hours with a new test. If your period is overdue, test again in 72 hours with a new test stick. If this retest gives you a not pregnant result and you have still not had your period, see your doctor.
For your result to be positive (Pregnant) you should see 2 lines. The control line should be a strong purple coloured line. The test line may look the same as the control line (Diagram A) or it may be fainter than the control line (Diagram B). In both cases it will be the same thickness as the control line. If you are unsure, wait 48 hours and retest with a new test stick.
Testing too soon after using fertility drugs that contain hCG can give misleading results.
If you have recently stopped taking hormonal contraception or are using fertility treatments such as clomiphene citrate, your periods may be irregular leading you to test too early.
If you have recently been pregnant (even if not carried to full term) you may get a false pregnant result. Ectopic pregnancy, ovarian cysts, menopause and some very rare medical conditions may give misleading results. If you have a pregnant result it is possible that you later find that you are not pregnant due to loss of the pregnancy in the early stages.
Some women who are more than 6 weeks pregnant may get misleading results due to high hCG levels (2 faint lines due to hook effect).
If you get unexpected results you should talk about them with your doctor.
You should talk about any concerns with your doctor but if you want advice about your test
Call our helpline on 0333 320 2072.
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